Join the Fun at Casino Night
Saturday, 8 p.m. in the River Room at the Chattanooga Marriott
Casino Night Rules of Play:
- Each guest receives the following with paid admission:
- (1) Admission wristband
- (1) $1000 in play money (two $500 bills)
- Cash bar
- Light Refreshments
How to play:
- Guests will go to the gaming table of their choice and exchange the play money for gaming chips. All dealers will be able to explain the rules at each of their tables.
- If a guest “busts” and runs out of money, additional play money can be purchased onsite.
- At completion of gaming, guest will trade in their chips for raffle tickets. This should be done at any of the gaming tables.
- Dealers will give each guest 1 raffle ticket for every $500 they have in chips or play money.
- Guest will take their raffle tickets to the prize area and place their tickets in the box(es) in front of the prize(s) they are most interested in winning. A ticket is pulled from each box and the number is read aloud to determine who wins the prize. Must be present to win the prize.
$20 per ticket if pre-purchased – $25 per ticket if purchased at the show
Roll the Dice for Some Fun!
- Blackjack
- Texas Holdem
- Three Card Poker
- Roulette
- Cash bar
Earn prizes!
Limited attendance. Purchase your tickets now.

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