Training – Essentials of Light Duty Towing & Recovery
Wednesday – Thursday, October 5 – 6, 7:45 AM – 5:00 PM
Cost: $440 per person – includes lunch both days
Limited seats available. Class will max out at 50 attendees.
Presented by Shane Coleman of ERSCA
Course Description: The Essentials of Light Duty Towing & Recovery Course is a 2 – day course incorporating both classroom and hands on instruction. Instruction will focus on operator responsibilities, equipment knowledge, chain & wire rope specification, load limits, straps & slings, rigging for a successful recovery, calculating resistance, tow capacity, carrier capacity and proper loading, hazardous materials, scene and incident management, conduct & appearance, vehicle up-righting and more. A test and certification will conclude the course. This training reflects comprehensive Light duty tow truck and carrier operator training. Depending on the student and his/her abilities and experience, additional training may be required.
Registration Form
Fill out the form below to register now. Class size is limited.
Beauty Contest Entry/Payment Form
Reserve your inside position. Register your entry today.
Please read the rules above completely before pre-registering. Your entry will be assigned a number based on the day/time the entry is submitted along with payment.
All trucks parking inside must arrive at the Convention Center no later than 3 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
Once the inside space fills, additional entries will be parked outside along 13th Street adjacent to the Convention Center.
Payment of $60 U.S. per Beauty Contest entry is required to register. If you would like to enter the Specialty Lights Class, it will be an additional $25.

This is the only official site to book your Tennessee Tow Show hotel rooms or you can call the hotel directly on the numbers listed. Do not go through any other housing service, it is a scam.

Attention Tennessee Towing Companies:
Are you a member of the Tennessee Tow Truck Association? Don’t miss the many benefits of belonging to your state towing association.

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