Hazmat Responder Network Cargo Tank Training

When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 8am – 5pm
Where: Chattanooga Convention Center
Cost: $350 per person
Instructor: Hazmat Responder Network
- Construction, Plumbing and Valving of Transport Tankers
- Review of Hazard Classes Associated with Liquid Cargo
- Proper Load Transfer
- Ground & Bonding Techniques
- Classroom and Hands-On
This Training Program Covers Structure, Anatomy, Appurtenances, Piping, Valves, Loading, and Unloading Connections Found on DOT 406, 407, and 412 Cargo Tank Transport Trailers. Simulator Models Allow for Hands-On Experience Through Securing Leaks, Hot Tapping, Pressure Transfer, and Pump Out along with Ground and Bonding of Units.
For Information Contact: Perry Beaty 877 356-9767 or email Perry@Hazmatrn.com
Beauty Contest Entry/Payment Form
Reserve your inside position. Register your entry today.
Please read the rules above completely before pre-registering. Your entry will be assigned a number based on the day/time the entry is submitted along with payment.
All trucks parking inside must arrive at the Convention Center no later than 3 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
Once the inside space fills, additional entries will be parked outside along 13th Street adjacent to the Convention Center.
Payment of $60 U.S. per Beauty Contest entry is required to register. If you would like to enter the Specialty Lights Class, it will be an additional $25.

This is the only official site to book your Tennessee Tow Show hotel rooms or you can call the hotel directly on the numbers listed. Do not go through any other housing service, it is a scam.

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